The U.S. could help strengthen ties with its North American neighbors by increasing its pipeline capacity, including approval of the Keystone XL from Canada to Texas, which remains stalled in Obama administration review.

Even with all of our domestic concerns, it’s a big world out there, and America must keep at least one eye focused beyond our borders. But maybe not as far beyond, says a new report from the Council on Foreign Relations.

The U.S. could do itself a world of good by deepening its integration and cooperation among its closest neighbors, Canada and Mexico, and building on the foundation of the North American Free Trade Agreement.

A key sector is energy, and the time is right, with Mexico pushing forward on long-needed reform and the U.S. and Canada extracting more oil and natural gas. Unsurprisingly, capitalizing on this area would be especially important for Texas and the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

In the same way North Texas is stronger when its various municipalities pull together, a united North America has the resources and know-how to become the world’s most dynamic region, with energy leading the way.

The report, “North America: Time for a New Focus,” came from a group led by former CIA Director David Petraeus and former World Bank President Robert Zoellick. Shannon K. O’Neil, a council senior fellow for Latin American studies, directed the project. “The road to North America’s global dynamism runs through Texas,” she said.

via Editorial: Making U.S., Mexico and Canada the world’s most dynamic region | Dallas Morning News.